Year 4 Information
Teacher: Miss Kinder
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Mooney
Class Times
Start of the school day: 8:55am
Morning break: 10.55am – 11.10am
Lunch: 12pm – 1pm
End of the school day: 3:10pm
PE Days
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Please ensure kits are clearly labelled and remain in school. They will be sent home each half term.
Reading Books
Children are asked to bring in their reading books/bags daily. Reading record books will be signed and comments noted where necessary. The children's books and levels will be changed as each child progresses. Sometimes, children may be asked to repeat a book for consolidation. Understanding the text and developing comprehensions skills are as important as decoding words. We ask that you support your child with their reading as much as possible at home. This is essential in enabling them to become fluent readers and in reinforcing the skills learnt.
Given out Monday – Spelling Activity on Friday.
Spellings correspond with the rule/pattern or specific phonemes your child is currently working on.
Times Tables
A huge focus in Year 4 is on times tables. Please ensure your child is using the ‘Times Tables Rock Star’ app to aid with progression.
Toast is available each morning at no cost.
There is access to drinking water as required. Each child has use of his/her own, clearly labelled, water bottle/cup.
If you require any further information, please contact the school office.