Summer 2024
Where does our food come from?
We have been exploring where different foods come from. We bought some different fruit, looked at the label and then found the country on a globe. We also tasted them, cut, chopped and juiced the fruit. We made lemonade!
Jack and the beanstalk
Our theme this term is ‘Watch us grow’. This week we have explored the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We planted seeds to watch, basil, cress and sunflowers grow. We also explored what beanstalks are and the different types of beans that grow.
Farm Visit to EYFS
We were very lucky to have the farm come and visit us for the day. Nursery children got to feed goats & lambs, comb a pony’s main, hold a Guinea pig and a snake.. we also got to meet Norman the rooster!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
The children have been very excited about having caterpillars in class. They have shown great care when looking after them, making sure they don’t get scared. We have watched them grown and turn into chrysalides.
Nursery have been focusing on shape this week. We have been identifying 2D shapes and explaining how we know it is that shape. We have also had a look at 3D shapes and how we can build with them.
What the ladybird heard
This is our new story. We have been focusing on who the main character is, what the problem was and how it was solved.
The children have been learning about sequencing and doing things in order. We ordered nursery rhymes and our morning routine, talking about what comes first, next and last.
Nursery Rhymes
This term we are focusing on some favourite nursery rhymes such as, pat a cake, ring a roses, the muffin man and many more. The children made the very pocket full of posies.