Summer 2024
The Garden
During Summer 1 our topic focus was ‘The Garden.’ At the start of the topic we explored our own garden in school. We used a list to search for many different things that we would find in a garden.
We then hunted for mini beasts in the garden. We found worms, centipedes, ants, spiders and woodlice. We carefully watched how each one moved and talked about what they looked like.
We completed observational paintings of plants and flowers. We learned about the parts of a plant and were able to sequence how the stages of plant growth from seed to flower.
Supertato was one of our Talk Through Stories texts this half term. We talked about the character, setting, the problem in the story and how this was solved.
Shape has been the focus this half term in Maths. The children explored 3D shape and we introduced the term ‘faces.’ The children printed with 3D shapes to see what 2D shaped faces each one has.